viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

The Fifth Lesson

This was our second lesson as a group. Our topic was about possessive adjectives and demonstrative pronouns. Because of organization we had some problem with the lesson.

The visual aids were a little bit late in the classroom. However, our classmates improve at the moment of starting the class and the visual aids were not necessary at that moment.

The class was a little sad, there just were 2 kids because of the weather.

In my personal opinion the kids understood the lesson. I think that they will not forget how to use this, that, these and those.

The activities that we chose to develop with the kids were effective because the kids did them and in some cases they looked that they were enjoying them. The most important aspect is that they enjoy while they are learning.

In this day, we could see the importance of having a backup plan. We as teacher should be prepared for everything. We should know how to improvise when it is necessary. We have to apply our knowledge about the kids, about different strategies that we could use for our kids.

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