viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Diagnostic Class

The first class was a diagnostic class. This was our first meeting with the children that will be in this last period with us.

There were only five children. We were expecting more children to work with. I think that only five children is not that challenging as if there were twenty children. Maybe we are going to work better only with few children.

In this diagnostic class we just have to develop some activities with the children in order to know how much knowledge they have of English. We just test how children were about vocabulary. For example. We were the first group and we did two activities. The first activity was about animals, domestic and some wild animals. We could see that children know about animals and colors. They know about the pronunciation and also they know how to write them. This was pretty impressive for me because on Saturdays I am giving classes to children about the same age. One Saturday I asked these children what they know about colors and they told me some colors, but when I asked them to write the colors they wrote them in a wrong way. Maybe in their school they have not had enough time to assimilate the correct spelling of these words. My group and I could see that the children in the diagnostic class already have knowledge of vocabulary and some structures.

With the other activities that my classmates did, we got the conclusion that our children are not basic, they need something more challenging to learn. After the diagnostic class we were talking with our teacher and we agreed about what units and topics should be taught to them.

Here are some topics that my classmates used for their activities.

·     The numbers
·         The alphabet
·         The personal pronouns
·         Classroom objects
·         The family members
·         Action verbs, and some others.

This first class was really nice and at the end of the activities our nervous were gone. There was a point in which we felt comfortable with the situation. I think it was a good experience to all of us.

1 comentario:

  1. What do you think about diagnostic classes Eduardo. Are they necessary? Would you use them with your own students?
