viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Second Class

The second lesson was in charge of the second group. This group is formed by Brenda, Nancy, Gloria, Yaneth and Jacky.

This class was really entertained. The visual aids and the decoration were really flamboyant. They inspired to learn. I really enjoyed the warm up activity. It was really funny and I saw that the kids enjoyed it too. I think that I could use it in the future while giving a lesson. They refresh previous knowledge with this activity and in my personal opinion all of us would refresh knowledge from the last class in the warm up.

The material that they presented to students was appropriate because they were big enough to notice them. I like the activities to pass to the front and complete the statement or the question. Students could practice what the teachers had taught them in the class.

The interaction of teacher-student and student-student were applied properly in the development of activities. I really liked that because our duty as teachers is to encourage our kids for learning English. I think that with the activities that we developed in the lesson, our students feel comfortable and they want to participate.

Every teacher has a different method of teaching, but the objective is the same, that our students learn something. We have to focus in our objective and give the best of us because only in that way we could reach our purpose. 

Our First Official Class

This day was officially the first day of classes of our children. We are group number one, so we give this first class. In our first class with them we developed these topics: The present continuous and also activities in the classroom. We started with the song that we chose as a group to start the classes.

  First we did the activity “sharks are coming”. This activity had the purpose of choosing a child to complete a word. These words were related with classroom objects. We did this because in the diagnostic class we could see that they know some classroom objects. However we wanted them to write in the correct way the name of those objects.

After that we were explaining about the present continuous. Most of the things were practice in an oral way. For some activities we were acting in order to reinforce what students saw in the pictures that we presented to them. My activity was about to make groups and the group ‘A’ has to make mimics about the activities that we explained in classes and the group ‘B’ had to guess what they were doing. This activity was really nice. I really enjoy it because all the children were willing to participate. All of them give ideas and all of them speak and make mimics. I could see that they enjoyed this activity. After this activity they did the wrap up activity and then we sang the song for the end of the class.

In the feedback part we listened to our classmates. They had some observations. For example they notice that some visual aids were a little small, so they told to us that we could improve that part the next time.

Our first class was successful and I think that the kids learnt something that they. We have things to improve and we will do it. Teachers have to look for the best way for teaching because it is in our hands if our students learn something or not.

Diagnostic Class

The first class was a diagnostic class. This was our first meeting with the children that will be in this last period with us.

There were only five children. We were expecting more children to work with. I think that only five children is not that challenging as if there were twenty children. Maybe we are going to work better only with few children.

In this diagnostic class we just have to develop some activities with the children in order to know how much knowledge they have of English. We just test how children were about vocabulary. For example. We were the first group and we did two activities. The first activity was about animals, domestic and some wild animals. We could see that children know about animals and colors. They know about the pronunciation and also they know how to write them. This was pretty impressive for me because on Saturdays I am giving classes to children about the same age. One Saturday I asked these children what they know about colors and they told me some colors, but when I asked them to write the colors they wrote them in a wrong way. Maybe in their school they have not had enough time to assimilate the correct spelling of these words. My group and I could see that the children in the diagnostic class already have knowledge of vocabulary and some structures.

With the other activities that my classmates did, we got the conclusion that our children are not basic, they need something more challenging to learn. After the diagnostic class we were talking with our teacher and we agreed about what units and topics should be taught to them.

Here are some topics that my classmates used for their activities.

·     The numbers
·         The alphabet
·         The personal pronouns
·         Classroom objects
·         The family members
·         Action verbs, and some others.

This first class was really nice and at the end of the activities our nervous were gone. There was a point in which we felt comfortable with the situation. I think it was a good experience to all of us.