This last
week, we were learning about physical and psychosocial development in adolescents.
We could understand a little bit more about some changes that teenagers have to
pass through in the adolescence. I would like to share some of my memories from
this phase. I do not remember changes by themselves. My memories are more
related with situations or thoughts. For example, I remember when I had to
decide about what to study in high school. I felt some doubts because I wanted
to finish quickly from high school. Also my friends wanted to study only two
years. Maybe at that moment I did not think about the opportunities that I
could have if I had studied for three years in high school. I remember that my
friends liked to go out at nights and they invited me to go out with them, but
I have always been a shy person and I liked more to stay at home rather going
out. Most of them exceeded of some “relaxations activities” such as drinking
alcohol or smoking cigarettes or something else. I was not as curious about
those thing as they were. So I have not had problems with those things. Other
situation in which I felt confusion was about choosing something to study at
the university. I felt that my family was pushing me to decide something and I
made a decision, but this decision was not the more appropriate and I failed in
my first year at the university.
Now I
understand that adolescence is a phase of changes. It is a phase in which you
have to make decisions, important decisions for your future. Also, it is a
stage in which you do not consider consequences of your actions. Most of the
teenagers tend to abuse of alcohol because they feel curiosity about it. Even some
adults tend to abuse of alcohol, but they do not do it because of the curiosity.
They already know about alcohol and their consequences. Maybe we as adults do
not do things because we do not know that they are bad, but we do those things
because they are bad habits that we bring from the adolescence. In my
conclusion, I opinion I think that in any point of your life you will feel some
doubts while making decisions, but you will made those decisions and you will
be willing to take the responsibility of those decisions nobody will be pushing
you to be responsible. So it is a personal decision to do things right.
I think
that a way to help them in order to learn something we as teacher need to guide
them in a respectfully way. I am the kind of person that believes in this: “treat
others the way you want to be treated”. Adolescents are volatiles, they could
act by impulses, but they know how to behave with someone who knew give them
trust. If we as teachers are willing to help them in their learning process they
are going to feel it, and when they feel confidence they will ask for help. Maybe
teenagers are not as complicated as we think.